Prof. Abdel Naser Zaid
Board MemberProfessor Abdel Naser Zaid, President of An-Najah National University, is a distinguished expert in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology. He holds a Ph.D. from Ferrara University in Italy and has made significant contributions to the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Professor Zaid has held several key positions at An-Najah National University, including Director of Pharmacy, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Department Chair of Pharmacy from 2013 to 2020, before becoming the university's President.
Professor Zaid has authored tens of peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, with a prime focus on drug formulation, biopharmaceutics, and novel drug delivery systems. His leadership and international research collaborations have been instrumental in advancing both the university and the broader field of pharmaceutical sciences, establishing him as a prominent figure in academia and industry.
Additionally, Professor Zaid is an active member of several regional and international councils. He is a member of the Arab Council for Sustainable Development of the Association of Arab Universities, serves on the Board of Directors for the Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence in Palestine, and is a member of the board of directors of AlQuds Pharmaceuticals Group. He is also a member of the Strategic Council of the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi Network).